Tuesday 8 June 2010

Roman Britain - towns

Isca Dumnononiorum - Exeter
Londinium - London

Ebaracum - York
Calleva - Silchester in Hampshire.  

Tuesday 25 May 2010


was one of the best Gallic warlords.  He beat Julius Caesar at the seige of Gergovia (La Roche-Blanche in Puy-de-Dome, near Clermont Ferrand).   in September 52 bc and lost the same year at the siege of Alesia (Alise-Saint-Rennes, Cote D'Or, near Dijon). 

 He surrendered to Julius Caesar

and was taken to Rome where he was imprisoned for six years before being ritually strangled.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Roman military factions.

Roman factions on Rome Total War.

Julii: Northern Italy
Brutii: southern Italy i.e. the boot and the heel
Scipii - mid-southern Italy
SPQR - Rome

Other factions:


The Seleucid Empire (southern Turkey);
Carthage (Tunisia);
Parthia (NE Iran)
Pontus (Northern Turkey to the southern shores of the Black Sea);
Dacia (largely corresponds to modern Romania);
Greeks Cities (Sicilia, Sparta, Thermon, Rhodos);
Numidia (northern Algeria);
Scythia (southern Ukraine)
Spain; Hispania ruled Spain and Portugal
Thrace (Bulgaria - western side of the Black Sea);


This is the military banner ensign of the ancient Roman Military. SPQR stands for "Senatus Populusque Romanus" which is Latin for "The Senate and the People of Rome"